Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Other Shoe: Recognizing Anglos as a nation within a united Canada

Read Andy the Ectomorph on the next step in our dialectic. If the Québécois are a nation, and Acadians are a nation, and the Métis are a nation and (of course), the First Nations are nations, then what does that make the remainder? A nation!

That's fine with me. I don't cry for the loss of Andrew Coyne's dream state. I don't want the homogeneous (although supposedly diverse), post-national liberal "civic nationalist" polity which there are only individuals and governments. (And by governments, he means the Federal government, with the judiciary at the apex.) Yuck.

The trouble is not with the Québécois (OK, there are troubles there -- an overweening state, an excessive reaction to a Catholic past, but the point is, those are NOT OUR TROUBLES). The trouble is us, our inability to reestablish an identity when the British Empire passed away, other than the identity of consumers and rights holders.

Update: You should read "gabriel"'s thoughts on the Commons resolution. There's a good discussion starting in response to Reihan Salaam's post at the American Scene.

Late Night Update After Finishing Very Technical Legal Submission: I realize there are deeper objections to Coyne's worldview, but I do sort of wonder at the idea that recognizing obviously true things constitutes suicide. Water is wet, Ottawa is cold in December, poutine's bad for the arteries, the Pope's Catholic and bears defecate in the woods. If the Qu´eb´ecois aren't a nation, who is?

Further Update: It is probably silly to link to someone a lot more famous than oneself, but I like Cosh's take. On Pith & Substance, of course, every day is Dominion Day.

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